Researchers at Nottingham University determined the following statistics when studying police records of overtaking accidents:
35% hit a vehicle turning right as the overtaking vehicle was attempting to pass
16% hit a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction
10% side swiped the vehicle being overtaken
8% lost control during whilst overtaking or returning to the nearside lane
6% hit a vehicle that was turning or crossing at a junction
14% involved 'undertaking' (passing on the left)
5% resulted from evasive action taken by a driver when attempting to avoid someone Else's risky overtaking maneuver
If you are driving your car adhere to what you about to read here and if you are in public Vehicles you may remind the driver about these If you discover he is making these mistakes that can be fatal, do this without distracting him. Please don't overtake in the following places:
1) ON A BRIDGE: Avoid overtaking on bridges, bridges are dangerous places to overtake as you don't have other places to go than inside water or collide with opposing cars if other cars suddenly appear as you try to overtake.
2) ON A BEND: When there is a bend, please don't overtake no matter how clear you think the road is,it is very dangerous as you can't see the front, another car may be coming.
3) ON A MOUNTAIN: like in a bend, mountains, hills are wrong places to overtake you can't see the front clearly and you may not be able to speed enough to overtake and avoid colliding with traffic from the opposite direction.
4) SHARP SLOPES: It is also dangerous to overtake as your brake system may not work the way you predict.
5) TO THE RIGHT: Don't overtake to the right of the vehicle in your front on narrow roads,you are only permitted by Nigeria law to overtake on the left.
6) WHEN THE VEHICLE IN FRONT OF YOU SIGNAL IT WANT TO TURN THE LEFT: Remember you are only allow to overtake by the left side, but when the vehicle in front of you signal it want to turn to the left don't overtake, please let the vehicle turn before you move on.
7) WHEN YOU CAN NOT SEE THE FRONT CLEARLY: If you cannot see the front clearly for any reason please don't overtake.
8) WHEN IT IS RAINING: When it rains heavily don't overtake because the road may be slippery and your visibility is low.
9) WHEN YOU ARE FOLLOWING CONVOY OF FAST MOVING CARS: Avoid overtaking fast moving cars in convoy it will be dangerous to do that.
10) WHEN FOLLOWING CBN BULLION VANS: Central Bank Bullion Vans normally travel between states in convoy of heavily armed vehicles and they expect road users to keep a distance of several meters away from them and never try to overtake them, this is for security reason. So don't try to overtake them though they do drive slowly. You have to follow them for as long as they are in your front, if you try to overtake them they may shoot you taking you for an armed robber.
11) WHEN THE ROAD IS TOO NARROW: some roads are too narrow to take two vehicles at the same time, avoid overtaking in these kinds of roads.
12) WHEN THE ROAD IS SLIPPERY: Rain, water, Slipped oil, swampy areas are known to be slippery, be cautious about overtaking in these kinds of areas.
13) AGGRESSIVE DRIVERS: Avoid overtaking aggressive drivers. These are drivers who increase their speed whenever you try to overtake them so as to prevent you from overtaking. These kinds of drivers sees the road as a race track, they are dangerous drivers and can easily cause road mishap.
For your safety and that of others, avoid overtaking these kind of drivers, you don't need to prove you are faster or better than him, please don't race to the Cemetery.
14) WHEN YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE A VEHICLE COMING FROM THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION : Don't assume the car is far, your judgement may be totally wrong, many people got to the grave before they realize their mistakes. It is safer not to overtake when the oncoming car is already in view, please be careful.
15) WHEN DRIVING IN THE NIGHT: Driving in the night involves great caution and carefulness, if you cannot see clearly please don't overtake, if you don't have good eyesight don't drive in the night at all, if you must do it with all carefulness, drive in such a way that you will live to drive for a long time.
I wish you safe journey as you travel around the world there will be no evil report in Jesus name.
(Please Share this until it get to all your friends you may be saving a soul.)
Credit: Bisi Adewale & modernghana
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